Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Finally, my one-week job is over. And I leave relieved and RM350 richer. =) Sweet.

On a less sweet note, a robbery just happened outside my house at about 8.30pm. A snatch theft. My neighbour who lives 2 houses away had just reached home and was about to enter her house. As she was unlocking her gate, 2 men on a motorcyclist stopped in front of her car. One of them got down and pointed a knife at her, she freaked and threw her handbag at them in fear of getting hurt. They then sped off with her handbag. I think the Government should consider turning motorcycles into one-passenger vehicles only. It wouldn't rid of snatch thefts but it help might lesson the occurrence since it'll probably be harder without an accomplice.

Later at night, I went out with Cal & Zong to play Mah Jong at Zong's place. But we ended up playing Ginrammy. The next night (Wednesday night), I went over to Zong's place again to play Mah Jong with him and his granny. And his granny wanted to gamble, so we bet with 10 cents. Swt. Nonetheless, I was the big winner for the night and became RM0.60 richer. (Zong, you still owe me 10 cents.)

Thursday, Zong, Cal & I went to Midvalley & The Gardens. We wanted to catch Enchanted but the crowd in MV is just too good and our patience just could not stand the queue for the movies.

Friday, Cal & I were at Zong's place to play Sing Star (click to read all about it). Apparently it's not sold in Malaysia (maybe, not yet). It's a pretty awesome game. Just can't get enough of it.

That's all for updates.

p/s: I actually started this post on Tuesday but never got round to completing what I wanted to blog about on that day. Hence, a 4-day late publication but with additional updates.

pp/s: I'm becoming lazy to blog. (Again.) Blargh.

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