Sunday, November 11, 2012

For As Long As We Shall Live

I hate how easily I forgive you
Cause I can't despise you
But I only wished you knew
The disappointment I was left to feel
Oh if only you knew...

In spite of everything
We remain the best of friends
Cause you're the only one who understands
Me at my best and me at my worst

We're the same and yet so different
But in each other we've found contentment
And on each other we became dependent

We chose each other
To have and to hold

To love and to cherish

21 May 2011

I find it odd that people are so intent on predicting the finals day of Earth.

So knowing your expiry date may push you to try and achieve some of the tasks on your bucket list, but if you're not already living now, it's hardly going to make a difference. I even think it's sad that one would need to induce fear to start living one's life.


Stop dwelling, start living.
Stop reminiscing, start living.
Stop dreaming, start living.
Stop remembering, start living.

Because life begins when you start living.

I wrote this last year, on the day that everyone said the world will end. 1 year and 5 months later, the world is still here and so are we.

So live.

Live your LIFE.

Live it LIVE.