Monday, October 22, 2007

Lost in Transalation, Literally

I just hung up on a call.

An international call, I think, cause the number showed 0000.

And from that call, I realised how bad my Mandarin is. But that's besides the point.

Anyway, I got a call and the person on the other line started talking in Mandarin. I'm guessing she must have been calling from China cause her accent was really strong and she started asking me a bunch of questions that left me dumbfounded. It was hard enough trying to make sense of what she was asking, but the whole time, she left me playing catch up. She spoke like a bullet train! And I could only pick up on a word or two.

It felt weird speaking to someone I do not know in Mandarin, but I started to get suspicious when I told her that she may have gotten the wrong number and she just casually replied, 'No. We're just doing a survey.' (Yes, she spoke in mandarin and if I'm not wrong, that was what she said.) So she went on to ask questions about whether I would prefer studying in the country or outside the country (I think... Like I said, the whole time I had no idea what the hell she was talking about.). Then she asked something about casinos....and football fields...and god knows what else! I simply answered casino (cause that was the only word I understood) not knowing what the question was. And then it all got too fishy when she asked for my name. So I said in English, 'Sorry. I don't understand you and I'm not giving you my name!' and hung up.

Now I feel foolish for even going along with the "survey". Maybe it was a scam. Maybe she was trying to track down my number! But for what??

Okay. Now I'm getting paranoid.

p/s: If only my Mandarin wasn't so atrocious......

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