Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Goodbye Finals and Hello Regimens!

'Twas after good riddance of finals (Monday), I reached home, exhausted and mentally drained, stepped into the house and my mum's first greeting to me was, "Do you know what you can do now?".

Clean up my room, organize my room, help clear the house were some of the few things that came straight to mind as I casually responded, "What?".

"You can start drawing up your diet plan and exercise regime."

... ...

"Okay, mum. I shall get right onto it."

At least I know what should be top on my to-do list. Heh.


Tiffany Toh said...

lol, thats hilarious!

Ju said...

Glad I could make your day Tiff. Hee.

Oh, my mother...

Ju said...

oh btw...i miss you tiff. =)