Saturday, July 19, 2008

I *heart* MTV!

My day started out very ordinary as did most of my days this week. But unlike the past few days, today stood out from the rest by a mile.


Calvin informed me a few days back about the MTV Asia Awards roadshow that was going to be held in Cineleisure on 19 July, and we had since decided to go.

In Cineleisure, a stage was set up and sponsors of MAA had booths all around. A crowd had already gathered in front of the stage. The clock continued to tick.

Soon, 12pm struck. MTV Asia's newest VJ went on stage to kick off the roadshow and announced, to the crowd's delight, that 40-50 tickets would be given away. This was greeted with screams, cheers and applaud as the atmosphere intensified.

Volunteers were chosen to go up on stage, answer a question correctly and win a goodie bag with 2 passes to the MAA. The process sounded simple enough. Hence, Calvin, his friends and I, with arms raised, screamed at the highest decibel our lungs allowed us to, to gain VJ Taya's attention.

Goodie bags after goodie bags were handed out rounds after rounds. Nonetheless, we kept our spirits up.

In the next round, two volunteers were already up on stage to try their luck. This time however, VJ Taya informs them that, not only will they be playing to win tickets but also a 3-day-2-night accommodation at Genting's Resort Hotel. And the question was "How many rooms does ... (I forgot which hotel it was. Will update.) have?" One of them said 400 while the other said 500.

Both were wrong! And they only walked away with a complimentary gift. Soon, another two volunteers were picked to guess the number of rooms and they both also got it wrong! By that time, Calvin, Joanne and I had already squeezed our way to the front of the stage and were only separated by a table. I urged Cal to climb up onto the table to try and grab VJ Taya's attention. At the same time, I was trying desperately to eavesdrop for answers. "600 rooms." "800."

She picked some dude on the right side of the stage and then started walking over to the left side to where we were. She then pointed at Cal and said, "The guy in red, come on up."

"Oh my god! GO CALVIN!!!" I yelled from down stage.

"So do you think you guys know the answer?" VJ Taya spoke into the mic.

I was starting to get frantic. I looked around. Kept my ears peeled. And then I heard it.

Calvin looked at me down below. I held up 8 fingers and mouthed to him "8-8-8-8".

"10000," said the dude.

"8000," said Calvin.

"One of you is actually really close," VJ Taya said. "Do you want to know who won?"

"You," she said pointing at CALVIN!!!

I couldn't contain my excitement and screamed in joy!

Another one of Calvin's friend had also managed to win a pair of ticks. Though we're still waiting for a few more of his friends to win another pair at tomorrow's roadshow. They didn't get too lucky today, but lets hope their luck would change. Then it's going to be an awesome possum time in Genting's Arena of Stars on the 2nd of August babeh!!!

Update: Pictures are on my Facebook.


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